How to Tackle Incompetence in the Workplace
02 / 05 / 2018
The Employment Rights Act 1996 sets out the various fair reasons for dismissal. One of them is capability, or more precisely, a lack of capability. Poor performance and a lack of capability are referred to variously as ‘poor work performance’, ‘capability’, ‘competence’ or ‘incompetence’, depending on the context. Capability refers to an employee's ability to do his job and is...
How to Deal with Annoying Colleagues
25 / 04 / 2018
Many of the grievances I deal with are described as “bullying or harassment” but in reality boil down to the fact that two people don’t like each other and haven’t found a common way of working together. All too often both parties entrench, assured of their absolute “rightness”, with the consequence that ultimately one or both has to leave the...
When ‘Good Enough’ is not Good Enough!
17 / 04 / 2018
Mae West said that an ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises. Poor work performance is one of the most common complaints, but one of the areas least well tackled. The question to ask yourself is: "are all my employees meeting all my workplace standards nearly all the time?" If the answer to that is “No”, then you have...
Rapport Across Cultures
11 / 04 / 2018
As the search for talent intensifies, we’re likely to see more teams drawn from international sources and working internationally. While diversity brings enormous benefits it can also bring difficulties. Working in a variety of different languages, cultures or nationalities can contribute to misunderstandings, so it’s essential that cross-cultural teams find common ground. What can employers do to build rapport between...
Building Emotional Resilience
04 / 04 / 2018
Stress is one of the curses of the modern world. Nobody, but nobody has an entirely stress free life, though most of us in western Europe are astonishingly lucky, even if we don’t know/ appreciate it. Some people seem to be overwhelmed with stress and anxiety for the most minor of reasons. For many sufferers this blight is quite genuine,...