
Work Experience at Russell HR Consulting
Work Experience at Russell HR Consulting

07 / 01 / 2015

We have been actively supporting local colleges and schools in our area for a number of years with initiatives like Build and Fly Your Own Rocket, internships and work placements. This week we are hosting a young man, Kane Fitzpatrick, from Hazeley Academy. We invited him to contribute a guest blog. Every student has to participate in one week’s worth...

Out with the Old, In with the New
Out with the Old, In with the New

05 / 01 / 2015

While considering working with an external HR provider you need to choose a service provider which consistently demonstrates high levels of technical skills and service delivery, integrity, honesty, efficiency, and communication skills. It is fairly straightforward if you ask the right questions. HR requires such high levels of technical knowledge these days that unless it makes sense to buy in...

New Year’s HR Resolutions
New Year’s HR Resolutions

24 / 12 / 2014

Here are our top tips. Change your viewpointHR is a business function. It’s there to ensure compliance. Add value to the bottom line and to help operations people do their jobs better. Don’t do their jobs for them. Step into their shoes. You make a successful journey by looking at the map (or app) at place you want to arrive...

Tapping Into Talent
Tapping Into Talent

22 / 12 / 2014

If you have found it hard to source and recruit good people (and I’d be very surprised if you haven’t),it’s essential to take the personal time to manage and develop their talent. Make it your number one workplace New Year’s resolution! Employees often report that companies meet their needs for on-job workplace development and that they value these opportunities....

Keeping it in The Family?
Keeping it in The Family?

19 / 12 / 2014

Most businesses start with an entrepreneur who has the idea, the skill and the profession to strike out on his or her own. Natural risk-takers, the founders of businesses, charities or organisations usually have a vision of the future and move heaven and earth to get there. They’re powerful doers, a force of nature. But what about the second and...