New Service to Tackle Sickness Absence
14 / 07 / 2014
Last year 131 million days were lost to sickness absence which costs businesses nearly £29 billion. The UK has a fairly bad record of sickness absence compared with its European neighbours so the Government plans to introduce a new National Health and Work Service to help get absent employees back in the work place and prevent long term welfare dependency....
George Osborne’s Export Vision – What it Means For Us
11 / 07 / 2014
George Osborne announced this week that Britain needs to export more, and his target is India. The Chancellor and Foreign Secretary William Hague were on a two-day trip looking for investment opportunities for UK firms in India's defence and infrastructure sector, and hoping to attract Indian investment into Britain. India is one of the emerging economic superpowers which could be...
Providing feedback
09 / 07 / 2014
When employees don’t perform as they should (and this is something we deal with often) it needs to be tackled and quickly. Many employers don’t even recognise that they have poor performance issues, never mind deal with them. And even when they do there is a marked tendency to procrastinate and only deal with poor performance when a serious matter...
The Importance of Good Personal Hygiene
09 / 07 / 2014
Recently one of our clients asked us to provide some guidelines on good personal hygiene in the workplace so in this hot weather our thoughts turned to the sorts of things that might need to be considered. This week's guest blog dealing with the subject of personal hygiene comes from Jo Johnson. Maintaining personal hygiene is necessary for many reasons;...
How Summer Can Make Employers Hot Under The Collar
07 / 07 / 2014
Most of us love the summer; longer days, brighter light, warmth, outside living, feeling a bit more energetic – it puts a smile on everyone’s face. We love the sunshine, though every so often it can get a bit too warm. If we’re sweltering over a hot computer (or whatever) it can start to have an adverse effect. And when...