
Real time information – are you ready?
Real time information – are you ready?

11 / 02 / 2013

In April this year, the Real Time Information (RTI) system comes into force. It affects all employers, but as is often the way with the implementation of new regulations, a significant number of small businesses haven’t even heard of (never mind planned for) it. From 6th April employers will have to send HMRC monthly details of how much each employee...

The Church and Parliament disagree. A (gay) marriage made in Heaven or Hell?
The Church and Parliament disagree. A (gay) marriage made in Heaven or Hell?

08 / 02 / 2013

This week saw another controversial vote in Parliament, resulting in the progression of the bill which will ultimately allow homosexual couples to marry in England and Wales in both civil and religious weeding ceremonies. It is proposed that religious organisations will not be compelled to conduct such marriages in church. Religious organisations will be able to opt in to holding...

“I’m Just Resting My Eyelids…”
“I’m Just Resting My Eyelids…”

07 / 02 / 2013

The scandal of the appalling treatment meted out to patients (and staff) at Stafford Hospital has been in the news recently. The awful tale of a hospital board so obsessed with cost-cutting that it refused to listen to the complaints of patients and staff and ultimately damaged the fabric of the organisation. Hospitals are supposed to make us feel better,...

Silver and gold
Silver and gold

06 / 02 / 2013

The grand dame of British swimming, Rebecca Adlington is retiring from competitive swimming at the ripe old age of 23. “Female swimming is getting a lot younger,” she said. “I can’t compete with that." Rebecca started training seriously at the age of 12. The hard training has taken its toll and that level of work and commitment is not something...

Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies
Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies

05 / 02 / 2013

Chris Huhne, the MP for Eastleigh and a former cabinet minister, has resigned as an MP. He has been charged with trying to pass responsibility for a speeding offence to his former wife and attempting to pervert the course of justice. Originally he pleaded not guilty, but yesterday he admitted doing so. Mr Huhne’s name now joins the rogues’ gallery...