
Workplace Snapchat
Workplace Snapchat

10 / 08 / 2015

One of the most popular apps at the moment is Snapchat. It’s an app that allows you to take a photo or short video and send it to anyone on your snapchat contact list. The photo lasts a maximum of ten seconds and is then deleted. There’s no way of viewing the photo again. The only way to keep proof...

Flexible Working and Retention: Even the Army’s getting In On It
Flexible Working and Retention: Even the Army’s getting In On It

07 / 08 / 2015

The armed forces made headlines in the HR world this week when the Chief of the Defence Staff, General Sir Nick Carter, launched his vision for recruitment and retention, Maximising Talent. General Carter admitted he may be the “oldest dinosaur” in the Army, but if he can change his attitude to flexible working then others should too. The Army is...

When Are We Working?
When Are We Working?

05 / 08 / 2015

A recent case has been referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union, asking when employees are working. This case specifically looked at the issue of travel and work, and there are some important points to note. The case (Federación de Servicios Privados del sindicato Comisiones Obreras [2015]) concerned employees who installed security systems. Each day they would...

Should You Be Outsourcing or Insourcing HR?
Should You Be Outsourcing or Insourcing HR?

03 / 08 / 2015

Last week I saw an article in Small Business about why it’s worth having your HR function in-house. The MD of a printer cartridge company, Ian Cowley said it got to the point where anything HR related was coming his way meaning he had less time doing what he was good at. That’s entirely normal but it is a distraction...

What the Labour Leadership Election Could Mean For Businesses
What the Labour Leadership Election Could Mean For Businesses

31 / 07 / 2015

The election this year produced a very noticeable sensation of a great many people nervously holding their breath – and only starting to breathe again with any degree of comfort once they knew that Labour had not won. It’s not that they believe the Conservatives are so wonderful – simply that that alternative was likely to jettison us back into...