
From Bruce to Caitlyn
From Bruce to Caitlyn

08 / 06 / 2015

Last week 1972 gold medallist Olympian Bruce Jenner was introduced to us as Caitlyn Jenner. July’s issue of Vanity Fair features an image of Caitlyn on the front cover with the headline ‘Call me Caitlyn’. Her new twitter account took the world by storm with over 800,000 followers in a matter of hours. Caitlyn’s first tweet said ‘I’m so happy...

Wearing ‘Super Cool Biz’ to Work
Wearing ‘Super Cool Biz’ to Work

05 / 06 / 2015

Summer is upon us (allegedly) which means the annual debate about what’s OK to wear in hot weather and what’s not will soon be starting. You might think that workplace dress codes should be a fairly simple HR matter to sort out, but they are surprisingly emotive and can lead to heated discussions in which the phrase “my human rights!”...

The Signs and Symptoms of Addiction: How to Support a Colleague
The Signs and Symptoms of Addiction: How to Support a Colleague

03 / 06 / 2015

When addiction grips a colleague, worries about stigma may lead them to try to hide their symptoms. Claire Rimmer, the Lead Addictions Therapist at The Priory Hospital, Altrincham explains the sensitivities surrounding addiction and mental health. What is addiction? Addiction is a mental health condition that results when an act or substance is used to the extent that it interferes...

Ideal Candidate Must be Disabled
Ideal Candidate Must be Disabled

01 / 06 / 2015

Last week the BBC posted an advert which caused a bit of a stir online. The BBC Academy tweeted: It’s not a job advert but is a free training opportunity. The ideal candidate does not need any qualifications in meteorology, just a proven interest in this area along with plenty of enthusiasm. There is no guaranteed job at the end...

What the Queen’s Speech Means For SMEs
What the Queen’s Speech Means For SMEs

29 / 05 / 2015

On Wednesday the Queen’s Speech – a speech for ‘working people’ as described by David Cameron – announced the government’s proposed legislation for its first year in Parliament. Although it didn’t include direct action on two controversial areas – scrapping the Human Rights Act and the hunting ban – it did contain some important points for businesses. Most notably, the...