Dignity at work

A dignity at work policy is essential in workplace. Bullying and harassment are unacceptable. They can be destructive to the victim and the organisation. This course explains the legal framework, and helps delegates tackle inappropriate language and behaviour.

This one day training course looks at bullying, sexual, racial and age harassment homophobia and religious harassment. Half day. Covers:

  • definitions of harassment and bullying
  • the legal framework
  • dignity at work policies
  • recognising bullying and harassment
  • tackling inappropriate behaviour
  • performance management distinguished from bullying
  • managing difficult people in the longer term
  • investigating an allegation of bullying or harassment
  • resolving complaints

To make your booking email pm[at]russellhrconsulting.co.uk

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  • No-nonsense approach
  • Concise, robust advice
  • Guaranteed work


The training was fantastic!! Totally fantastic!! Interesting, with lots of useful information. Thanks so much.

Claire Digby, Director, Digby Trading Ltd
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