Interview Etiquette for Employers
21 / 09 / 2015
Not much that happens here surprises us. We’ve heard and seen weird and wonderful things. It keeps our job interesting and gives us great stories to tell clients and recruits, though we always change the names to protect the guilty. Last week I was reading an article about ‘horrible’ interviews. A lot of stories about recruitment are usually about the...
What Corbyn’s Leadership Means For Business
18 / 09 / 2015
The election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader, although predicted by the polls, has still come as a shock to many. A republican trade unionist of the 1970s is now fronting Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition – quite a change from New Labour. People are predicting all sorts of outcomes. A coup to oust Mr Corbyn and replace him with Chukka...
Coping With Likely Absences During a National Sporting Event
14 / 09 / 2015
Last year we had the Winter Olympics and the Football World Cup. This year we have the Rugby World Cup. Not only is England hosting it this year but three of the games will be played in Milton Keynes. The first game is only a few days away now (18th September). Not everyone enjoys watching sport but when a major...
Are Your Long-Serving Employees “Fat Filers”?
11 / 09 / 2015
This week the UK celebrated the Queen’s achievement in becoming Britain’s longest reigning monarch, overtaking Queen Victoria’s record. In a period which has seen the UK lurch left and right politically, decolonise its Empire, deploy forces across the globe, and bumble around trying to find its place in Europe, the Queen has been remarkably constant throughout. Despite her age, HRM...
Would You Benefit From a Coach?
09 / 09 / 2015
1:1 NLP trainer and Business Coach, Michael Beale gives his view of how you can benefit from a coach and the circumstances where a coach may be more beneficial than other interventions like consulting and training. A coach’s sales proposition is a curious one. Unlike a consultant’s which delivers the service required so it’s taken care of, a coach is...