Embracing Change
24 / 08 / 2015
Making changes can be hard. How often have you briskly told yourself that you’re going to make changes in your personal life? How often have you caught yourself slipping? And those are the changes we want to make... Introducing change into the workplace can be a real challenge, even when we want to make fairly minor changes. It’s often said...
The First Time Employer – How to Knock the Nervousness from HR in SMEs!
21 / 08 / 2015
Small businesses are the backbone of the UK economy. According to the Government there are 5.2m small companies in the UK in 2015. Around 76% of these are micro businesses. The increase in micro businesses is beneficial for gender equality, innovation and regeneration but large parts of the self-employed community are highly reluctant to take on a first recruit. Research...
Can I Take Disciplinary Action While the Employee is Sick?
17 / 08 / 2015
Employees seem to think that by getting themselves signed off they can avoid disciplinary proceedings. It has become a commonplace reaction for employees who are facing discipline to go sick, usually with stress. Quite often the ill health absence is accompanied by a voluminous letter alleging bullying and harassment. Giving the employee the chance to come and explain his side...
The Hell of Appraisals: Making Them Work for Your Company
14 / 08 / 2015
In many companies performance reviews or appraisals are that annoying process at the end of each year where a bored busy manager sits down with an employee who may be experiencing a range of emotions from the eagerly expectant to bored to nervous. The manger goes through the motions of assessing performance because “HR told him to”. In the end...
Post Traumatic Embitterment Disorder (PTED)
12 / 08 / 2015
A new disorder is coming to light across the UK in relation to workplace harassment and bullying. Simply, it is referred to as Post Traumatic Embitterment Disorder or PTED. It is recognised in the USA but it is relatively unknown in the UK. Your GP has probably never heard of it. This week’s guest blogger Christine Pratt provides some information....