
Quick Recruiting And What To Watch Out For
Quick Recruiting And What To Watch Out For

17 / 07 / 2015

Perhaps it was inevitable that the mobile phone app craze drifted from pure social media into the professional world. Companies have their own apps, and now it seems that Snapchat and Tinder have inspired new methods of recruitment. Recruitment is expensive, which is why you should always ask yourself if it’s necessary before paying for all that advertising space in...

Does Pretending To Sleep On The Job Merit Dismissal?
Does Pretending To Sleep On The Job Merit Dismissal?

13 / 07 / 2015

Life in our office fairly often feels like a 21st century version of Alice in Wonderland. I am quite regularly asked to believe six impossible things before breakfast. I know we’re not the only ones who hear this stuff...... There was the lady who said she couldn’t return to work after her holiday because she had been captured by pirates,...

What The Budget Means For Businesses
What The Budget Means For Businesses

10 / 07 / 2015

After almost 20 years, George Osborne has delivered the first all-Conservative budget in the House of Commons. If you’re thinking it doesn’t seem like a year since the last one was announced, you’re right it doesn’t. Shortly before the May election, the Conservatives and Lib Dems presented their own budgets as part of their election campaigns. As Nick Robinson put...

Is it Really John’s Fault?
Is it Really John’s Fault?

08 / 07 / 2015

There is a task in your workplace that needs to be done. Sally can do it, but John cannot. Our automatic assumption is that John does not have what it takes to do the job. John is not competent, and if we ever want John to be able to do the job, we need to give him some training and...

A Little Too Much Sun
A Little Too Much Sun

06 / 07 / 2015

Prosecco sales are rocketing. Trains are late because the rails are buckling. The Barton Road Swing Bridge which spans the Manchester Ship Canal got stuck again and the fire brigade had to come and hose it down. Telegraph writer Bryony Gordon wrote her weekend column about her holiday last week in Devon which was spent in thunderstorms and rain while...