Exercise – Healthy body and healthy mind
14 / 04 / 2014
Kirsty almost ran into me the other day. In the literal sense, that is. She was out running after work and I was walking briskly to get air and exercise after another incredibly busy day. I was so busy thinking and walking that I didn't notice the svelte runner loping along until we almost bumped into each other. I am...
Expensive Exit
11 / 04 / 2014
Well, Maria Miller has finally gone. Abusing the expenses system was bad enough. Offering the briefest apology in history was enough to light the media’s touch paper and the whole thing has been done to death in the past week. Whatever your opinion of the matter, it does bring up the whole issue of expenses. What should an employer do...
Think before you press ‘send’!
09 / 04 / 2014
Sonya, is a Sales Manager in a Pharmaceutical company, a position that had taken her over 10 years to attain. She prides herself on her communication skills but at her appraisal meeting, she was told that her formal and blunt emailing style needed to be more ‘friendly’. She was very surprised and argued that the quantity of email that she...
The Voice of Employees
07 / 04 / 2014
As an employer you want your employees to listen to what you are saying, don’t you? So why shouldn’t your employees receive the same in return? Here at Clare Stables we are a small team in an open office. We all get along well and are happy to speak up and share our opinions on various matters and topics. It...
Winning Hearts and Minds in Business
04 / 04 / 2014
3rd April as a date may not mean an awful lot to many people. For one thing it isn’t a bank holiday, and there isn’t much in the news other than the ongoing debate between Messrs Clegg and Farage! However, it was on this date in 1968 that America, sinking deeper and deeper into the Vietnam War, decided to start...