
Something to Celebrate?
Something to Celebrate?

19 / 09 / 2018

This month marks the twentieth anniversary of my business. Yay! Raise a glass and so forth. I do feel quietly (but immensely) proud to have achieved that. The survival rates for SMEs aren’t especially good. By 2016 only 44% of businesses “born” in 2011 had survived. 56% had gone. And that figure is fairly typical. Starting and building a business...

When Does Custom and Practice Affect Contract Terms?
When Does Custom and Practice Affect Contract Terms?

12 / 09 / 2018

Custom and practice is one of ways in which employment terms may vary an employment contract. In order for a term to become implied by custom and practice it must be “reasonable, notorious and certain”. The term varying the contract via custom and practice must be: fair and not capricious; well established over a period of time; known to employees;...

Take a (Short) Break
Take a (Short) Break

05 / 09 / 2018

Last week I wrote about tired leaders. Fatigue is bad for business. By all means work hard, but take time off too. We all need some rest and one way to get some rest and reboot is to have a holiday. It doesn’t have to be a long one to get real benefit. When we got married last year, my...

When Leaders Are Tired
When Leaders Are Tired

29 / 08 / 2018

There is an epidemic of tiredness in the UK. We don’t always help ourselves either. Working right up until it’s time to go to bed. Not taking short breaks in the day. Being glued to Facebook or plugged into smart devices. We are so busy (or think we are) that we don’t rest properly. But being tired is bad news...

Helping Employees Combat Loneliness
Helping Employees Combat Loneliness

22 / 08 / 2018

Loneliness is perceived as such a huge social problem that the government has announced plans to try and tackle it. Over one third of employees report not having strong relationships at work. There are many reasons for this and loneliness is triggered by different things for different people. What we do know is that these feelings of isolation are potentially...