
How Can You Tell What a Candidate is Really Like?
How Can You Tell What a Candidate is Really Like?

25 / 11 / 2015

How well do you get to know your candidates during the recruitment and selection process? It’s fairly straight forward to determine whether they have the aptitude for the job, but how easy is it to find out whether they have the right attitude? Aptitude and attitude - two words that are almost identical but by changing just one letter they...

Loose Words Cause Claims
Loose Words Cause Claims

23 / 11 / 2015

There are nine protected characteristics. We all have them; some of us have more than others. The nine are: age, race, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion and belief, sex, and sexual orientation. Treating someone less favourably because of a protected characteristic is unlawful in the UK. This could be selecting a particular person for...

Dealing with Frivolous Grievances
Dealing with Frivolous Grievances

20 / 11 / 2015

They had been friends, but then fell out. And Hell seems to have no fury like two female friends who disagree. Because they both worked together, the problem unfortunately came to work with them. Cheryl and Susan had a very tense relationship for several months before Susan resigned. In the last week or so before she left, the two had...

Withdrawing a Resignation
Withdrawing a Resignation

16 / 11 / 2015

There are a number of ways employment can come to an end. For example, dismissal (including the non-renewal of a fixed term contract),frustration, mutual agreement, and resignation. It’s resignation that I want to look at today. Resignation is what happens when the employee gives notice to you that he wishes to end his employment with the company. The minimum...

Returning To Work From Maternity Leave
Returning To Work From Maternity Leave

13 / 11 / 2015

The House of Commons has been debating whether it should allow MPs to breastfeed their children during debates and Prime Minister’s Questions. As ever, the usual array of opinions on the subject have come out: some think it is a woman’s right to breastfeed wherever she needs to, some don’t want to see it, and others have argued that whilst...