
Auto Enrollment is Getting Real
Auto Enrollment is Getting Real

26 / 02 / 2014

A myriad of surveys released at the end of 2013 paint the picture that, although the first phase of auto enrollment can be deemed a success, the next tranche of employers to go through their automatic enrollment may not be. A survey conducted last summer by the Association of Consulting Actuaries showed that small employers are far from ready for...

When is it The Right Time to Ask Questions?
When is it The Right Time to Ask Questions?

24 / 02 / 2014

In today’s world social media is a part of most people’s everyday life and can be an excellent tool for any business. That includes recruitment where it’s commonly used to circulate job vacancies and source candidates. Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook amongst others, all allow companies to network and get their name out there with minimal cost involved. However a recent...

Unemployment Down – A Good or Bad Thing for Employers?
Unemployment Down – A Good or Bad Thing for Employers?

21 / 02 / 2014

This week the Government announced that UK unemployment had fallen by another 125,000 (its 15th consecutive monthly drop now taking UK employment above 30 million and female employment to 14 million),and that in the year to December average earnings had increased by 1.1%. Coupled with inflation dropping below 2%, this is an optimistic start to 2014. There are still...

Corporate Cyber Bullying, Poor Leadership or Lack of Training?
Corporate Cyber Bullying, Poor Leadership or Lack of Training?

19 / 02 / 2014

Christine Pratt is the MD of HR & Diversity Management Limited and founder of the National Bullying Helpline. Using email to reprimand staff is never appropriate, in our view. It is also a serious breach of procedure. Despite this, it seems it is a common problem. We asked a group of employers and HR professionals whether this practice is a...

Can You be Too Successful?
Can You be Too Successful?

17 / 02 / 2014

Last weekend the Old Man and I were at The Passage to India. It’s our favourite Indian restaurant in Stony Stratford and we are well known there. The food is good, the waiting staff are generally well organised and pleasant and it’s a good evening out. But the last time we were there it was mayhem. It more closely resembled...