
Green Day - aka World Environment Day
Green Day - aka World Environment Day

06 / 06 / 2013

It was National BBQ Week last week. I do hope you celebrated. What do you mean it was raining? Where’s your British stiff upper lip?! And then it was Child’s Day on 1st June. And so on. There are so many national and global celebrations happening all over the world all the time that it’s hard to keep up with...

Pick ‘n’ Mix Benefits: The New Face of Staff Retention
Pick ‘n’ Mix Benefits: The New Face of Staff Retention

05 / 06 / 2013

Retention of talent is one of the holy grails of HR. Given the cost of recruitment, employers want to do all they can to keep the right talent in their organisation. After all, there’s no way a business can flourish and thrive if your best workers are dropping out of the company like flies. People might leave for a number...

Leaving Before Your Time
Leaving Before Your Time

04 / 06 / 2013

In February this year, just a week or so before her 24th birthday, Olympian Rebecca Adlington announced her retirement from swimming. Sir Alex Ferguson’s retirement hit the headlines last month and since then David Beckham has played his last home game of football for Paris Saint-Germain at the tender age of 38. I don’t know whose announcement had the biggest...

Spelling: It’s The Principal (sic) Of The Thing
Spelling: It’s The Principal (sic) Of The Thing

03 / 06 / 2013

I have been looking at some CVs for a job I am advertising at the moment. Frankly, my dears, it has been a deeply depressing experience. The ability to write an accurate, clear and straightforward piece of prose seems to have become appallingly elusive. All of us need the ability to use and understand conventional, written English. At the very...

Trimming The Fat
Trimming The Fat

31 / 05 / 2013

This week the question of the nation’s expanding waistlines came back under scrutiny. Salford Council hit the headlines when it emerged that it is trying to address local childhood obesity problems and one route it is considering is the prohibition of the sale of hot food from retail outlets close to schools before 5pm. It seems draconian, but unless we...