
What The Apprentice Can Teach Us
What The Apprentice Can Teach Us

23 / 05 / 2013

It’s that time again; Alan Sugar, flanked by henchwoman Karren and co., is back on our TV screens for yet another series of The Apprentice. It feels like it’s been running almost as long as The Mousetrap. If you haven’t caught any of the episodes so far (yes, we’re on the fourth already!) then you haven’t missed much; other than...

Spring Clean Your Desk and Boot up Your Efficiency: Message From The Mrs Mop of the HR World
Spring Clean Your Desk and Boot up Your Efficiency: Message From The Mrs Mop of the HR World

22 / 05 / 2013

Being untidy in the workplace is a pain and working with a cluttered desk is a real efficiency killer. I know there are a few people who had exceptionally messy desks (Roald Dahl, Albert Einstein) who were highly productive in their field. But for every one like that, there are a few thousand who are just plain disorganized. As a...

The Ugly Face of Beauty
The Ugly Face of Beauty

21 / 05 / 2013

I recently blogged about the appalling conditions of factory workers in Asia, making items for cheap retail stores like Primark. When asked to think about the working conditions of different industries and professions, most of us automatically think of developing countries, but what about closer to home? Britain has the benefit of a broad range of employment laws, to protect...

It’s British Summer Time: How To Make Sure Pimms O’Clock Doesn’t Tick Over
It’s British Summer Time: How To Make Sure Pimms O’Clock Doesn’t Tick Over

20 / 05 / 2013

Despite what the weather is telling us, we are now officially immersed in British summer time. Schools will soon be finishing for the six week break, lovers of open-air Shakespeare will be sitting in the Regents Park dusk in their kagouls and factor 20 and employees will be gossiping about their holiday plans and cracking out the Pimms in anticipation....

The Pryce is Right! Why employing Ex-offenders Is a Good Idea
The Pryce is Right! Why employing Ex-offenders Is a Good Idea

17 / 05 / 2013

Following the early release from their respective prisons of ex-cabinet minister Chris Huhne and his former wife Vicky Pryce, my thoughts turned to the employment of ex-offenders. Nick Clegg always said he wanted Chris Huhne back. Mr Huhne and Ms Pryce were convicted of perverting the course of justice after she agreed to take speeding points for him. In the...