
Fly Your Own Rocket - How Not To Muck Up a Mock Interview (Or Any Interview!)
Fly Your Own Rocket - How Not To Muck Up a Mock Interview (Or Any Interview!)

16 / 05 / 2013

A couple of years ago we developed a programme called Build and Fly Your Own Rocket, designed to help local young people to get and keep a job. This blog was written by our trainee Lilly Smith running mock interview. The world of work is a scary prospect; especially if you’re fifteen years old and you haven’t been into a...

It’s NOT A Man’s World
It’s NOT A Man’s World

15 / 05 / 2013

There’s the story of the little ten year old boy (born just as Margaret Thatcher took up residence in 10 Downing Street) who asked his mother “Do you think there’ll ever be a male Prime Minister in my lifetime?!” The rights and ability (two very different things) of women to work and progress in business have been on the national...

The Pitfalls of Recruitment
The Pitfalls of Recruitment

13 / 05 / 2013

When it comes to recruiting within an organisation, employers don’t, on the whole, jump for joy at the prospect. It’s more common to hear a chorus of groans from the management team. Who can blame them? Despite the old adage that there are plenty of fish in the sea, many companies struggle to find the catch of the day for...

Time To Pass The Baton (Or Ball)
Time To Pass The Baton (Or Ball)

10 / 05 / 2013

Whether you love or hate him, Sir Alex Ferguson is a football legend in football. Even a footballing ignoramus like me knows who he is. In his quarter-century at Manchester United, Fergie has led his team to 13 league titles making him the most successful manager in English football history. He originally announced his retirement in 2001, but then decided...

You Can’t Teach Personality
You Can’t Teach Personality

09 / 05 / 2013

Recruiting the right person involves more than just looking for a demonstration of the right skills that are key to the role. The ability of the person to fit into the role plays a big part too. In a customer-facing role for example, employees need to be able to give patient, good humoured, courteous good customer service. Most of us...