
Losing The Lads’ Mags
Losing The Lads’ Mags

30 / 05 / 2013

In 1986 Clare Short was the MP for Birmingham Ladywood. She hit the headlines when she introduced a Page Three Bill to try and remove the pornographic images of women distributed in the tabloid press. Ultimately it was unsuccessful – which is greatly to the discredit of the MPs who voted against it and the tabloids who branded her Killjoy...

Post-Woolwich: Tensions In The Workplace
Post-Woolwich: Tensions In The Workplace

29 / 05 / 2013

Louis Armstrong sang “What a wonderful world”. And often I feel that it is. Most of us are amazingly lucky, even if we don’t always appreciate it. But every so often something happens which shocks and horrifies us to our very boots and the world doesn’t look very wonderful for a while. The appalling murder of Drummer Lee Rigby last...

Does TUPE Give a Right to Have Appeals Transferred?
Does TUPE Give a Right to Have Appeals Transferred?

28 / 05 / 2013

The general principle with TUPE is that if an employee is employed at the date of the transfer all his rights will transfer and he will continue to be employed by the transferee. If the employee is dismissed before the transfer for a reason related to the transfer the dismissal will be unfair. But what about a situation where the...

Bottling Out
Bottling Out

25 / 05 / 2013

Human beings deal with problems and challenges in different ways. For some, plain sailing is too dull for words and it takes a bit of adversity to add sparkle and interest to life. Others just flop as soon as Lady Fortune says “boo!” and start to struggle. Since the recession began more people have turned to alcohol to blot out...

10 Years Younger
10 Years Younger

24 / 05 / 2013

Remember that programme on TV; 10 Years Younger? It ran for five series, and involved the presenter, Nicky Hambleton-Jones, overseeing the makeover of members of the British public who looked a bit past their sell-by date. Thanks to plastic surgery, dentistry, hair-styling, make-up and outfits, the participants all ended up looking fab and usually nothing like their original selves. Quite...