
The Difficulties of Dyslexia
The Difficulties of Dyslexia

30 / 04 / 2013

Dyslexia is quite a common condition. In fact, it’s estimated that 10% of the British workforce may be dyslexic. Back in the day, it was never formally recognised as a medical condition, and individuals who got their letters and numbers mixed up at school were often simply considered to be poor academic achievers. Now individuals get much more help and...

Living, Learning, Linens And Laughter
Living, Learning, Linens And Laughter

29 / 04 / 2013

Today’s blog doesn’t have that much to do specifically with HR, but I thought you might like an insight into recent happenings at Russell HR. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a tendency to be half way up one metaphorical mountain before I’m starting to look out for the next one to climb. Just as well I don’t...

Employers Say Share Rights Are Wrong
Employers Say Share Rights Are Wrong

26 / 04 / 2013

Despite almost universal opposition from employers, the Government has managed to push through its latest “great” idea – the issue of employee shares in return for a reduction in certain employment rights. The proposal is set out in the Government's Growth and Infrastructure Bill. This week, after two previous rejections, it managed to get through the Lords – by the...

Difficult Re-Marks
Difficult Re-Marks

25 / 04 / 2013

Ever tired stuffing a fully grown, grumpy, hissing, spitting cat back into the metaphorical bag? Even if you haven’t you can probably see that there’s plenty of scope for misery and tension ahead (and the cat usually stays firmly unstuffed). That’s what’s happening to one of our clients at the moment. A week or two back the company received a...

If The Cap Fits, Pay It
If The Cap Fits, Pay It

24 / 04 / 2013

Over the last few years, investment banks and investment bankers have turned into public enemy number 1, a cross between Jack the Ripper and Judas Iscariot. There’s no doubt that the way in which investment banks were rewarding employees caused significant damage. Given the public opprobrium and pressure on the Government to tackle matters, bonuses are already declining massively in...