
Unspoken Problem
Unspoken Problem

08 / 05 / 2013

The great, albeit acid tongued Dorothy Parker was a fantastically gifted writer, but a troubled person. She was married three times, drank heavily and survived three suicide attempts. One of her most famous poems is Résumé, a typically tart summary of the difficulties of committing suicide. Razors pain you;Rivers are damp;Acids stain you;And drugs cause cramp.Guns aren’t lawful;Nooses give;Gas smells...

Can-do Recruitment Attitude
Can-do Recruitment Attitude

07 / 05 / 2013

The facts around the employment of disabled workers are stark. People with a disability are twice as likely to be unemployed as non-disabled people, yet there are around 11 million potential workers who come into the disabled category. That’s a lot of wasted opportunity. At a time when employers are complaining that they are finding it nigh on impossible to...

A Heavy Price to Pay for Cheap Labour
A Heavy Price to Pay for Cheap Labour

03 / 05 / 2013

Want to update your wardrobe with something fashionable but affordable? It’s easy to do. In the UK we have seen a considerable increase in companies offering extremely cheap clothing; some are made ethically and without exploitation. But if the high fashion, low cost jeans in your bag are one of the 1.5 billion garments sewn by around 40 million people...

Management Style and Success
Management Style and Success

02 / 05 / 2013

They say that people don’t leave a job, they leave their manager. That’s certainly true in some cases. One of the best decisions I ever made was to leave a bullying manager. He started a performance appraisal with me by saying “You might want to have your back to the window so other people can’t see you crying”; sadly I...

Work Hard Play Hard
Work Hard Play Hard

01 / 05 / 2013

The phrase ‘work/life balance’ doesn’t really exist if you’re a business owner, especially if you’re trying to get your business off the ground in challenging economic times (and having to take into account the requirements of successive Governments which seem Hell-bent on smothering enterprise rather than encouraging it). We all tend to get bogged down with our workloads occasionally, but...