
How Managers Can Help Grieving Workers
How Managers Can Help Grieving Workers

10 / 07 / 2019

One of the few inescapable facts of life is death…. But it’s the elephant in the room. We want to reach out to a bereaved colleague with such words of sympathy as we can but are wary of saying the wrong things. Often people end up saying nothing or even avoiding someone who has suffered a loss. The way a...

 Perception of Disability
Perception of Disability

10 / 07 / 2019

Perceived discrimination arises where the discrimination is not based on an actual disability, but where the employer mistakenly perceives there to be a disability. The Court of Appeal has recently ruled that it is unlawful disability discrimination to refuse employment because of a perception of a risk of future inability to work in a particular role. Lisa Coffey was a...

Not All Carrots Are the Same! Money and Motivation
Not All Carrots Are the Same! Money and Motivation

03 / 07 / 2019

Although many people get excited about pay and pay-related issues (take the public sector strikes about final salary pension in the recent past) research suggests that the link between salary and job satisfaction is generally weak. The results indicated that there is only a 2% overlap between pay and job satisfaction levels and the correlation between pay and pay satisfaction...

How to Stop Feeling So Stressed
How to Stop Feeling So Stressed

26 / 06 / 2019

Life is frenetic and most of us seem to be juggling too much, both at work and at home. Some people cope so much better than others though and that may be because of the way they see the world and approach challenges. If you’re someone who gets knocked back and still gets up with a smile and says “Bring...

Can Dilbertian Thinking Improve Results?
Can Dilbertian Thinking Improve Results?

19 / 06 / 2019

Sometimes thinking about things from an entirely different perspective gives you some helpful insights, leading to fresh thought processes. Recently I was reading How to Fail at Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life by Scott Adams.