
Court of Appeal Rules in New Holiday Pay Calculation Case
Court of Appeal Rules in New Holiday Pay Calculation Case

12 / 06 / 2019

It’s that time of year where, flooding and French air traffic control permitting, hordes of people head off in search of sun, sea and adventure. So it’s timely to be reporting (yet again) a case which considers the calculation of holiday pay.

Medical Information and GDPR
Medical Information and GDPR

05 / 06 / 2019

Over the last couple of weeks I seem to have spent a lot of time dealing with employees’ health. If an employee is unwell employers are expected to do what they reasonably can to gain an understanding of the condition with a view to making reasonable adjustments if the employee is able to work and gaining a prognosis for return...

You’re Having a Laugh!
You’re Having a Laugh!

29 / 05 / 2019

Laughter strengthens your immune system, reduces stress and muscle tension. Roaring with laughter can lower blood pressure, exercise the lungs, pump more oxygen into the bloodstream and activate the endorphins that make us feel happy. Doctors report that patients who laugh recover quicker from serious illness. So, laughter is good for you. We’re agreed on that. How much do you...

How to Ask For Help
How to Ask For Help

22 / 05 / 2019

Most of us don’t like asking for help at work. Asking colleagues for help can bring out all sorts of fears - of being rejected, liked less, or even of looking silly - which is why we might not ask even when we really do need help. In modern organisations, it’s almost impossible to work properly without assistance from others....

Employer’s Knowledge of Disability
Employer’s Knowledge of Disability

15 / 05 / 2019

In Baldeh v Churches Housing Association of Dudley and District Ltd, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) allowed an appeal by an employee against the original tribunal’s decision to reject her claim for disability related discrimination. A person (A) discriminates against a disabled person (B) if A treats B unfavourably because of something arising in consequence of B’s disability; and A...