
How Should Employers Deal with References Post-GDPR?
How Should Employers Deal with References Post-GDPR?

08 / 05 / 2019

Just recently one of my clients accepted the resignation of an employee who had been offered another job. He had been less than satisfactory during his brief employment, and they were gearing up to deal with it formally, though he wasn’t aware of that. So, they accepted his resignation and duly completed a reference form from the prospective employer. The...

Is It Time to Offer Bone Density Testing?
Is It Time to Offer Bone Density Testing?

01 / 05 / 2019

The removal of the default retirement age means that employers must manage more age-related illness in the workforce. Loss of bone density, commonly referred to as osteopenia or osteoporosis, is one of the most common problems of aging. It is particularly acute for women. The amount of bone density we have typically peaks around the age of 30. Following that,...

Helping Employees Beat Loneliness and Depression Naturally
Helping Employees Beat Loneliness and Depression Naturally

23 / 04 / 2019

At the end of last year, about to board a plane and looking for something light to read during the flight, I idly picked up Country Walking magazine. Flicking through I came across the Walk 1000 Miles campaign and was hooked. 1000 miles – that’s a big number – but when you break it down it’s completely do-able (an average...

Plants, Peace and Productivity
Plants, Peace and Productivity

17 / 04 / 2019

As the weather gets warmer and I head out into the garden, secateurs and seeds in hand, my thoughts have been turning to natural ways to create a better workplace environment. Research suggests that buildings and office environments appear more calming and are generally nicer places to be when there are plants dotted around. The closing statement of a study...

The Messy Desk Conundrum
The Messy Desk Conundrum

10 / 04 / 2019

Is a messy desk a sign of disorganisation and lower productivity or an indication of creativity? It’s one of those marmite arguments. Albert Einstein asked: "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?" Others with cluttered desks and exceptional brains might agree, for example, Steve Jobs and Thomas...