
Four Ways to Get More Done
Four Ways to Get More Done

20 / 02 / 2019

Exactly which time optimisation strategies will work best for you will vary from person-by-person. But using one or more of these four strategies can save you hours each week. Start by clarifying your expectations. When you take on a significant task, discuss with key stakeholders what they expect from you. Not all situations need a thorough in-depth analysis, but some...

Abandon the Tyranny of the “To-do” List
Abandon the Tyranny of the “To-do” List

13 / 02 / 2019

Helping employees become more productive and more effective is part and parcel of the HR role. One of the common complaints from employers is poor productivity. Many employees just can’t manage their workload effectively. They have a “to do” list but they can’t keep up or it grows like Topsy and they feel utterly defeated. Surely it’s better to list...

Eugene the Egg Cracks
Eugene the Egg Cracks

06 / 02 / 2019

Studies suggest that the average millennial spends over two hours a day using their phone. They check it approximately 157 times and18% of social media users can’t go beyond a few hours without checking Facebook, and that two-thirds of people check their newsfeed at least once a day. That’s quite a sobering thought. Enter Eugene (the Instagram egg now world...

Three Conditions to Ensure Training Works
Three Conditions to Ensure Training Works

30 / 01 / 2019

As managers we are judged on the success of our team. It follows that our team members need to have the knowledge and skills to do their jobs efficiently and effectively. Many managers turn automatically to training as a way of solving issues. Additionally, “I wasn’t trained” is one of the most common defences in situations where performance is under...

Benefitting from Peer Knowledge
Benefitting from Peer Knowledge

23 / 01 / 2019

Research shows that when people want to learn a skill, turning to colleagues for help is often the first thing they do. That’s a great way of learning. Garnering knowledge from colleagues is very well suited to the way people learn. We gain skills and knowledge; practice by applying them; get feedback; and reflect on what has been learned. Learning...