
Are You Keeping a Leadership Journal?
Are You Keeping a Leadership Journal?

06 / 09 / 2017

If you keep a leadership journal, you’ll be in good company. Great leaders keep journals. Amongst those who kept a journal were Teddy Roosevelt, Ernest Shackleton, Harry Truman, Winston Churchill, John D Rockefeller and Sir Edmund Hilary. In doing so they were all putting into practice a tip left behind by the Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher Confucius (551–479...

Avoiding Burnout
Avoiding Burnout

30 / 08 / 2017

Companies with high burnout rates amongst their employees share a number of common elements, including excessively high levels of collaboration and poor time management. Many corporate cultures require collaboration far beyond what is needed to get the job done. Maybe that surprises you; surely collaboration is the right approach? Of course it has a place, but to work well it...

Four Ways to Silence
Four Ways to Silence

23 / 08 / 2017

Sometimes it feels as if I’ve been talking to people all day. Focussed problem-solving discussions can be intense and a bit draining. By the time I get home I really don’t want to talk to anyone. That’s a bit hard on my husband so I do make the effort to be sociable - but I find the prospect of no...

Boost Employee Engagement Using Your Best Boss Tactics
Boost Employee Engagement Using Your Best Boss Tactics

16 / 08 / 2017

Employers want highly engaged employees. They value qualities such as persistence, being a self-starter, having a sense of accountability for and commitment to achieving results and being willing to go the extra mile on projects or to help other team members. The problem is that many leaders don’t know how to boost or sustain such qualities and don’t understand that...

Why You Should Learn How to Reflect (Even If You Hate It)
Why You Should Learn How to Reflect (Even If You Hate It)

09 / 08 / 2017

If you thought that reflection is strictly for mirrors, you’re missing a very useful trick. When I did my MA some years ago, I found to my dismay that I had to employ reflective practice in my coursework and write reflective conclusions. Applying the reflective process to my final dissertation almost killed me. I would stomp crossly along by the...