
Insisting on High Standards
Insisting on High Standards

17 / 05 / 2017

Whether you like it or not, the only way to achieve really good results in the workplace is to set high standards. They are distinctly unpopular. I was a bit flabbergasted to find that if you Google “high standards” the searches mostly make reference to nit-picking employers, rather than the need to strive for really good quality in the workplace....

When Things Go Wrong
When Things Go Wrong

10 / 05 / 2017

I had a pretty good day yesterday. I was in Scotland running the pilot for a new employment law workshop with a group of supervisors. They responded well, my client was happy, it was great. Then at 6.20pm things went wrong. I had booked a train ticket from Glasgow to Milton Keynes and I arrived in plenty of time. As...

Can HR Help to Manage the Impact of Cyber Attacks?
Can HR Help to Manage the Impact of Cyber Attacks?

03 / 05 / 2017

Data protection – more specifically the consequences of a cyber-attack on data – has been on my mind recently. Like all businesses I take steps to protect the data we hold and am advised by experts on what’s appropriate and necessary to do so. The knowledge of the combination of the increasing sophistication of cybercrime and the forthcoming General Data...

How Do You Respond to Stress?
How Do You Respond to Stress?

26 / 04 / 2017

Thumping heart, blood drumming in the ears, sense of panic, sleeplessness. The list of stress responses goes on. Most of us could get much better at dealing with stress. It’s not so much why we worry that’s important; it’s how we respond to stressful factors that matters. When a challenge arises responses are typically as follows: Cool under pressure. Are...

Take a Break
Take a Break

12 / 04 / 2017

We work hard and deal with some difficult issues and people. It’s important to have a bit of a break and no matter how busy we are everyone takes time to eat their lunch, stretch their legs and just chill out a bit. Eating at regular intervals, and eating a healthy lunch, is vital to a healthy, balanced daily diet....