
How to Boost Your Workplace Productivity
How to Boost Your Workplace Productivity

02 / 08 / 2017

It’s no secret that I try to do too much. I do have a reputation for considerable efficiency but to be honest I’m always really frustrated that I can’t do more. Trying to grow and running a small business is immensely time-demanding and I always seem to be playing catch-up. A few years ago I adopted a process that I...

How to Help Employees with Mental Health Issues
How to Help Employees with Mental Health Issues

27 / 07 / 2017

Following the shocking news of the suicide of Chester Bennington Linkin Park’s singer, last week, our thoughts have turned to the importance of helping employees with mental health problems to cope at work. It’s estimated that one in six workers is dealing with a mental health problem such as anxiety, depression or stress, all of which will almost certainly reduce...

Tune Out of the News and Boost Your Productivity
Tune Out of the News and Boost Your Productivity

19 / 07 / 2017

Busy? Too much to do? Then go on a diet....... Cut out the news for a few days! You might not lose pounds in weight but the chances are that without the distraction of frequent notifications you’ll be far more productive. Fear of missing out (FOMO) makes most people leap urgently to look at their notifications (and they’re usually not...

Saying “No” Can Be Positive
Saying “No” Can Be Positive

12 / 07 / 2017

Most of us don’t like to be told we can’t do or have something that we think is essential to work. We all tend to think that the more resources we have, the better results we’ll achieve. While this belief is true at times, it can also lead us to stifle our creativity and our ability to work with what...

Questions to Encourage Feedback from Employees
Questions to Encourage Feedback from Employees

05 / 07 / 2017

Business owners and managers need to get information from their teams. If they don’t they risk living in an “executive bubble”. That said, managers are often mistaken about how easy it is for other more junior staff to speak honestly to them. If you want your team to give clear and direct feedback, start by asking yourself a few questions....