
English as She Should be Writ
English as She Should be Writ

28 / 06 / 2017

Last week a marketing company posted two short pieces of work on my behalf on our new LinkedIn company page. They were very short; each posting was about seven lines long. Despite this they were both riddled with errors. The first post had one grammatical error, one factual error and used two exclamation marks at the end of one sentence....

Bad to Good Ideas
Bad to Good Ideas

22 / 06 / 2017

Most successful entrepreneurial business owners are rarely short of ideas (just the time to explore them fully). Not all ideas are good – the square stone wheel was never going to catch on, but the round wooden one was a big hit. Bingo! Creative problem solving is a massive business asset and HR should be supporting business with such processes....

How Can You Make Your Virtual Team More Efficient?
How Can You Make Your Virtual Team More Efficient?

13 / 06 / 2017

All teams work better with clear operating principles, but virtual teams suffer far more without them. The following processes can save time, reduce frustration and boost productivity of virtual teams. Ensure everyone participates fully in every team meeting they attend. Ban multitasking, except for “multitasking on task,” such as adding ideas to the virtual conference area or jotting down questions...

From Colleague to Boss – Coping with the Transition
From Colleague to Boss – Coping with the Transition

07 / 06 / 2017

Being promoted to a role where you are managing your former colleagues has its challenges. When I’m delivering employment law training I come across so many people who tell me that they found it hard to make the transition. This was in part because the demands if the job had changed and in part it was because the nature of...

Are Your Employees Accountable?
Are Your Employees Accountable?

31 / 05 / 2017

It’s infuriating when you come across people - whether in professional or personal life - and nothing is ever their fault. Well, it infuriates me anyway. At one time I had a “perfect” mother, boss and boyfriend. All three of them never did anything wrong - not that they were admitting to, anyway. The consequences of this was that neither...