
Plant Manslaughter
Plant Manslaughter

05 / 04 / 2017

RHR Managing Director Kate Russell loves her plants and firmly believes that the team benefits from a bit of greenery in the office. The only problem is keeping the perishing things alive. The workplace is more calming and a nicer place to be when plants are present. They are more interesting, colourful and relaxing. Clare Stables is full of plants,...

Integrity in Business
Integrity in Business

29 / 03 / 2017

Integrity is the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards. I’ve suffered from a couple of instances recently where we have been treated in a way that lacks integrity. One of the most fundamental tenets of the Russell HR business ethic is to treat all our business contacts honestly and well, be they clients,...

Dynamic Decisions Win the Day (And the Year)
Dynamic Decisions Win the Day (And the Year)

22 / 03 / 2017

When did you last evaluate your business decision making processes? Companies that make better and faster decisions and execute them before their competitors are the ones that win the business race. It’s that simple. Despite this many companies don’t review their decision-making capabilities. They don’t know how they compare with the competition, and they can’t tell whether they are improving...

Attract The Best, Deflect The Rest
Attract The Best, Deflect The Rest

08 / 03 / 2017

We have been recruiting recently. It’s a sobering business. One route is via job-boards, though it’s certainly not the only way. We have had 450+ applications. I use the word applications loosely…. Many of them have been a series of meandering words, some have been remarkably self-congratulatory in content but with no perceptible reason, quite a few have applied several...

Is Menopause a Disability?
Is Menopause a Disability?

01 / 03 / 2017

There are some conditions that tend not to be discussed in the workplace and one of them is menopause. The problem is that it naturally affects almost half the population to a greater or lesser degree and for those with strong and/ or enduring symptoms it’s a perishing nuisance. (You can tell that was said with some feeling!) Towards the...