
Why You Don’t Want Rock Star Recruits in Your Business
Why You Don’t Want Rock Star Recruits in Your Business

22 / 02 / 2017

You want fabulous work performance so you try to lure rock stars with a glittering career from another company. That’s the theory anyway. In the early 2000s Harvard Business School researched this approach and concluded that if high performing employees just moved from one organisation to another the performances were successful for a short while but quickly faded out. More...

Small is Beautiful
Small is Beautiful

15 / 02 / 2017

SMEs undoubtedly have a harder time recruiting than large organisations. Everyone has heard of Google and Microsoft. Nobody’s heard of Jo Bloggs’ Pet Emporium, even though it is quite the best pet emporium in town. Speaking from my august height of just over 5’, I can assure you that small is beautiful, not least when it comes to small businesses....

Developing Your Employer Brand
Developing Your Employer Brand

08 / 02 / 2017

This may surprise you, but you already have an employer brand. As long as you have employees, candidates and customers you have an employer brand, no matter how small your business. And as long as people can form an opinion (and express it to others),you have an employer brand. It is developed by default and simply means that your...

Mr President… I’d like a Word With You
Mr President… I’d like a Word With You

02 / 02 / 2017

What a busy couple of weeks we’ve had here. It seems we’ve had to deal with an endless procession of disciplines. We’ve had to deal with minor misconduct, gross misconduct, harassment and bullying – and it’s only Thursday! For some reason, when writing these words my thoughts crossed the pond and rested on the new president. Donald Trump has been...

What Do Your Employees Really Think About You?
What Do Your Employees Really Think About You?

31 / 01 / 2017

Your employer brand is what people say and think about your business as a place to work. It’s the view that employees, job seekers, and the public have of the business, from how you conduct yourself in the market, through to what they think it would be like to work for you. An effective employer brand presents your organisation as...